About Us
People call us Straight Line Sports & STL Sports
Take your pick, we don't mind, we're all family.
Straight Line Sports is an outdoor sports store that breathes snow skiing, snowboarding, scuba diving, spearfishing, scooters, water skiing, wakeboarding & inline skating.
Straight Line was established in 2006 by owner Andy Nicholls. Andy has been skiing since he was 3 years old and took up scuba diving at age 14. He has been in the ski industry for 15 years, and in 2011 merged with the Scuba Store. He has a strong passion for outdoor sports and it shows throughout the shop.
At Straight Line we pride ourselves on customer service, knowledge and the best boot fit in town. Whether you are chasing the warm or cold, just starting out or looking to conquer that next great challenge, we are here to help.